Haaaaaaaaave you met Jon? A Darkfall developer profile.

Today we had a chance to interoga…erm interview the latest addition to our team who, for the sake of anonymity, we shall refer to by a completely arbitrary name that we pulled off the top of our heads, John-118. Brownie points to whoever can name the reference!
Witty Interviewer: So tell us a little about yourself and where you came from John-118
John-118: Well I grew up just south of Manchester in a little farm town, quiet and secluded like. I studied astrophysics in Canterbury before taking a break to do some job placements around town for a couple of years. I went back into university after that but rather than continuing down the very expensive path of astrophysics I decided to study programming which was my hobby all along.
Witty Interviewer: Hold on, back up a step.. you studied Astrophysics? You’re a freaking rocket scientist??
John-118: *laughs* Well I suppose I could have been yes, but I found that a simply decent Physicist translated to a top notch programmer. Whereas Astrophysics was fairly difficult, especially Quantum Mechanics, programming came to me fairly easy and I even graduated with top marks!
Witty Interviewer: *nodding* Sure sure.. Quantum is hard, who would have thunk it? So how are you dealing with the changeover from sleepy Canterbury to the charming mayhem that is Athens?
John-118: *laughs again* I was shocked at exactly how different everything is. I actually expected it to be fairly similar to London or other places I’ve seen but Athens and living in Greece is a completely different experience. To be honest I am loving it and it definitely feels like an adventure.
Witty Interviewer: And how about our humble little company? How are you finding Darkfall?
John-118: I must say it’s definitely not as stuck up and formal as some of the companies I have worked for. I am enjoying the relaxed atmosphere and friendly banter around the office. As a concept though, I find the game absolutely vast. I am thoroughly enjoying playing around the world as I test my various pieces of code!
Witty Interviewer: Which allows me to segway so neatly into my next question! What are you working on at the moment, and what will your niche in our little family be?
John-118: Well that would be game logic. I am currently getting intimate with the millions of lines of script that allow the game to do the multitude of things that it is able to. It’s a vast job but I absolutely love code so I’m set. Right now I’m actually developing some code to update the powers the GM’s have at their disposal just so I can get used to the way Darkfall’s unique coding works. But once I’m comfortable with that I’ll start working on bug-fixing.
Witty Interviewer: So having got all snuggled up with the code and script that makes the innards of the game, do you find there’s anything you’d like to upgrade or change in time?
John-118: Well, the amount of code in this game is simply staggering, and the way it works is very clever. However, I feel that given some time studying it I might be able to make it even more intuitive than it is. Which would allow the devs to do even more things with the engine in a very simple way.
Witty Interviewer: Well that sounds good! OK, one last question that I am sure our readers will need to know.. Do you know the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
John 118: *laughs* Well, I believe the African swallow is quite a fast animal, so I would guess at around 40 miles/hour.
Witty Interviewer: *blinks* I…well you certainly took that question in stride! I’ll need to google that one! Thanks very much Jon, its been a pleasure interrogating you!

Game Logic is awesome amounts of fun, but requires a good intimate knowledge of an Engine, hopefully John here is fit for the task. Also the only thing that pops into my mind for the reference would be the Master Chief from halo aka Spartan John-117.
John from Manchester and Greece says 40 *miles* per hour? mmm….
John-117 is the main character of the Halo series.