Official Darkfall Facebook Contest – The results

Official Darkfall Facebook Contest – The results

The results of the first Official Darkfall Facebook Contest are in, and we were positively surprised of the turnout. Over 60 screenshots where shared on Darkfall’s official facebook page, that gathered more than 300 likes.

Out of those pictures, 2 scored the highest number of likes, and here they are :
In the first place, Brooke Jannesson’s capture :
Facebook Contest

Facebook Contest
As we liked quite a few of the entries, we decided to give a third prize to the picture we liked the most. After our internal voting was done, the Darkfall’s high council decided to award the third prize to Dfidell Castro’s picture of the city of Dayar, along with 10.000 meditation points for him.

Facebook Contest

We would like to thank all the participants that sent in their creations, as well as our friends that liked them!

8 Responses to Official Darkfall Facebook Contest – The results

  1. Although 1st and 2nd are pretty awesome, I agree with the devs, that’s one beautiful screenshot in third place.

  2. Kevin Zapp says:

    I like the second one, because its so political :D

  3. Judy Schmidt says:

    Haha man, I waited and waited and waited for a blue sky on mine but it never came… Then one day I ported to my house and realized the sky was blue so went out to take screenshots and it turned to sunset as I was doing it. I gave up and just submitted the orange sky. Man, even the damn weather in DF is hard to deal with.

  4. Kevin Grixti says:

    Hej wtf, the 3rd price is totally not fair….dont get me wrong its a good picture but they cant just pic one if not stated before or at least continue with 3rd in ‘likes’ :/

    gz to first 2, quite close for both and gz to who ever participated in any way:)

  5. Adam Meade says:

    Dang it I totally forgot to post my pic . …. of my GF’s cute butt when she harvests lol it probably would have had plenty of ‘likes’

    ; )

  6. Daniel Kelly says:

    This contest reminds me just how awesome this game looks. Always loved the art style in df, well other then the spell effects.

  7. Pingback: Chaos Chest #14 | Darkfall Blog

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