Patch Notes May 11th, 2011
Today’s patch is mostly about the changes in the alignment system. You can see a map overview highlighting the changes further down. We’re interested in your feedback on how it’s working out since this is a major change in the gameplay and to day-to-day life in Agon.
- The loot drop from fishing has been doubled
- The ship’s fish box can now hold up to 2000 items
- The ship’s fish box is now indestructible
- The ship’s fish box can now be deployed together with the ship’s strongbox (on ships that support both)
- Some melee weapon sounds have been adjusted
- Mana pray requirement has been lowered from 150 to 140
- Added some more pray notifications
- Mysterious essences can now be gained from monster loot
- Fixed an issue with the rogue system where you wouldn’t stay grey after entering a clan city
- The world has now been divided into lawful and lawless areas. Read more about the background of these changes in our lore section. Additionally, you can find more information about alignment in our new alignment help section.
- A lawless area is one where there is no alignment penalty
- When entering a lawless area a player will get a 30 second grace period before turning rogue
- Clan city owners will always be able to decide how visitors and their actions are treated within the city’s perimeter regardless of the surrounding area being lawful or lawless
Good change on allignment,
a question though, does this patch also adress the issues with crafting gains from the previous patch.
where crafting gains were increased, but tested in-game showed that they are still operating on values PRIOR to the patch.
Waaaauw… That is so keeeeeeeewl *Cartman’s Voice*. ^.^
I Really REALLY love the way you did the lawless areas. That’s almost EXACTLY how I’d imagine it. The only problem is, now we won’t be able to use the middle of agon much for travel. THE GOOD OL’ DAYS! Lmao awesome job with this AV.
how does the lawless area work?
does it only punish if the target dies in lawfull area
or you don’t go gray if you attack in lawless area?
if only second than it will be abused allot
everybody is grey constantly in the lawless areas
nwm topic explains it
A total waste of time.
Any player of any consequence in the game is now red thanks to the last patch.
Unless there is a reset of all players current alignement these changes will be meaningless.
No player will pay huge sums of gold and wait for weeks to go back to blue.
OH NEVERMIND, I’m red anyway and i’d have to sell my kidney to be blue again. fts.
I like bein red, its sexy. This patch is useless but good because I am happy with the game as is.
This patch can be finish in exactly less than 8 hours, because its only parameter changin…i ask myself why need AV everytime so long for ingamechanges..
– Expansion Statement ” it comes EARLY Q2 2011 ”
– Enviromental Soundsystem 1first video june 2010 (last was announced for 5 week, never seen it)
– more than 2 Years to didnt complete all Armors or bring new Weapons
sry that all need to long that your subscriber have this INGAME …if you have anything rdy patch it ..patch patch patch
above poster is right, you are fooling us while working on other jobs i guess, anyway im unsubbing enough with bs you are very very unprofessional
Tasos, all you had to say, or hopefully you will say, is:
“This is what we have planned for today’s patch. We’re planning on having more frequent patches in the near future with less content. We will also be giving more details on upcoming features, including a few videos soon!”
Something like that could entirely change your playerbase’s diminishing enthusiasm.
Where have you been?
That’s been said in almost every blog update since January – the community’s nonexistent confidence in AV comes from the fact that they have yet to back any of it up.
Do you seriously believe that? Point to me where recently they talked about doing smaller patches more frequently. They have not said NOR have they displayed any movement in that direction, just promising videos, more information, but not more smaller patching.
I didn’t think I would really have to nit-pick through your post to get my point across – that whenever AV says “we’re going to start doing this!”, they never do.
In my effort (failed, I’ll admit) to find a blog/forum update talking about smaller patches, I found more unfulfilled announcements than I could count. Any Darkfall player worth his weight in ingots knows to take any AV promises* with a handful of salt.
*for lack of a better term – call it announcement, statement of intent, time frames, etc.
another useless patch that changes nothing in the core of the game that we all want or need
These are MASSIVE CHANGES to the alignment system. Give those of us a chance to be blue if we want without spending 50k and waiting two months!
you should reset everyones alignment.
Lol, just because they’re making alignment matter more according the the mechanics of the game, doesn’t mean you should have a free ticket to being blue. You all exploited the system before to go red, and even claimed there was no use to being blue. Stop your whining, this is a role playing game, treat it as such and you won’t regret decisions you make. Im glad AV isn’t catering to these min/max’ers who only do something that benefit them.
we all exploited the system? wow you’re dumb dude..
alignment reset please !
that is all.
Wow… You are dumb man, we did not exploit anything.
I prefer to be blue, but if you actually ENJOY pvp in the game and want to do it on a regular basis it is IMPOSSIBLE to stay blue. At least it WAS before this massive alignment change, now it is even more possible and I think I speak for everyone that we would like to have an alignment reset.
by exploiting the system, Do you mean killed alts to be constantly blue. If so, then they were the ones that didn’t exploit the system.
Worthless patch that isn’t addressing any of the core issues the game has and like someone else alrdy mentioned it’s too late with this change as everyone are alrdy red from the latest change to alignment. With no reset it’s just meh.
In short: Move along. Nothing to see here
There is a mechanical problem with this. If you are bound to a NPC city and recall from a lawless area, zappo, towers go off. If you have a house in a lawless area and are bound to a NPC city, zappo!
Needs to be addressed fast.
I’m surprised about this rookie move. That could not have been an intended feature.
If this is true AV just pulled one of the biggest boneheads Ive ever seen.
Nice changes.
I do though think that you should do a one time reset of alignment or at least place those who are red to -10 or something.
Alignment reset would be worth it AV, also I think clan cities should not only control lawful and lawless within city perimeters, but also the area around the city. A way for clans to kind of rule their kingdom the way they want and make the game more dynamic.
So Im going to be grey all the time. I really hope that doesnt make getting tags in seiges harder. Red was hard enough to locate in the chaos. Overall its a good step probably. Gives new players a somewhat safer and beginner experience in their racial land. I think people are going to explode from impatients on other stuff though.
Wasnt it safer before when the whole world was a lawfull area?
yes it was, just proves how clueless people are about how the alignment system works. AV Just made 50% of the game world a red zone, where there is now no reason to stay blue, bizarre…….
I appreciate what you guys do for us, AV fixed alot of bugs in the past. But now releasing TWO patches on alignment when most of darkfall’s core players are red, and after the last patch stuck red, and your wasting all your time on alignment?
I wish AV could release things they promised early 2010 about the FULL armor sets (10 piece bone set, infernal, plate ect)
People were joking last year how the DF2010 would be released in 2012.
Now im starting to realize its becoming a reality, a expansion delayed 2 years.
Like I said I do appreciate what AV does but fishing and alignment are COMPLETELY useless to average and veteran players.
I understand your frustration, and trust me, I’m itching to get the core changes as soon as possible too.
But I also think the reason why we haven’t seen many changes to PvP (including balance), armor changes, etc., is because all of these system are intertwined with one another in the upcoming expansion.
Although I do strongly believe this is the case, it still doesn’t deter from the fact that it’s taking a very long time for us to see these upcoming changes and I know all of us, myself included, really want new content and core gameplay changes now.
I’m kind of hopping the Trade Run got double the loot and Tasos wanted to keep that a secret so people don’t rush to do them.
The fishing really needed a bump, and the Lawful/Lawless is impressive.
I hope not too much content is getting tied into the Expansion, we need to get clan cities fixed, and updated mob spawns.
Problem I see in Darkfall is people get comfortable sitting in one location and the game gets stagnate. Need to mix things up more often.
I knew if you implemented lawless / lawful zones you would half ass it just like you half assed everything else thus far.
Why in Gods name is the entire area of Agon lawful, you should have it by section of Racial Alliance. Humans should not be lawful in Ork lands, or Mahirim, or Alfar. This is blatantly obvious. During sieges in these areas it becomes even more obvious. I lost 40 alignment the first week of your initial alignment patch due to a siege on Issar Ruins.
I like the changes. As far as alignment goes, the maximum negative alignment doesn’t need to be so high anymore now that gaining alignment is time based. I think -50 would be plenty, as that is already almost a month.
I agree, sieges need to be addressed. During a siege, the entire area where siege stones can be placed, plus 25% or so, should go lawless.
Or, make the clan city ability be able to affect an area this big normally, and during a siege, said clan can change the area to lawless (if they desire).
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+1 to alignment reset (even though I’m blue).
Also, take away the time limit between prayers. If someone wants to spend 100k in one shot to go back to 0 alignment, let them. The economy can use a good money sink like this. Currently, nobody’s going to spend 50 days to bring alignment back up, so the money’s not going to be taken out of the economy. And, once you’re a week away on prayers, most people I’ve talked to have decided to stay perma-red.
Concerning the reaction that this isn’t a big enough penalty, and the time constraint should remain, consider this: The ratio between alignment and gold will inevitably be weighed. Each person has their limit on what they’d be willing to spend for open PvP. Once they reach that limit, they’ll move to lawless areas (until they increase their wealth enough again). However, taking away the time limit will allow for persons who made the mistake of killing a single blue to erase that mistake instantly.
(As an alternative, drastically increase the prayer rate. 10 points per day or so.)
I think the time needed to regain alignment was more the point then the cost. In fact, I was surprised there was a cost in the first place. I think the system would be better if you could pay 2,000g to pray AGAIN in one day (bribing the church?) or pray once a day at no charge and wait the time.
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Should reset alignment… WoW resets shit everyime there is a change in a class mechanics and allows people to freely re-stat the way they choose.
I mean seriously…
And Aventurine models every aspect of Darkfall around WOW…
“They should reset alignment” is a valid argument, though they should have more incentive to stay blue than “because you have to pay to get alignment back,” but seriously, “because WOW does it…?”
At least back it up with a good reason..
Yes, exploited the system. A lot of players use to do it, and using the pvp excuse is pathetic. To be clear, I’m talking about the countless amount of people who went around killing everyone they saw for “pvp” with no consequences in mind and then grinding alignment on an alt. Once they fixed this, you were screwed. Now, you can blame it on PvP all you want, but you are the one who actively decided to kill that blue racial friendly. If you haven’t noticed, it’s extremely easy to avoid getting the alignment penalty if someone attacks you. But no, you go around killing everyone because you want “pvp”, and all reward, with no risk.
Reset alignment.
I like the lawful/lawless idea – it fits well with darkfall. Now I think you should also add “safer” areas around the capital cities and towns where there are wandering (or static) faction guards, and/or (tough but killable) faction guards port in 10 seconds after any alignment decrease.
I still feel the risk-v-reward / choice-v-consequence balance is off with respect to how easy/inconsequential it is for vets to kill fresh newbies in newbie lands.
omfg, you fucking all whine like SHIT!… You spent weeks whining about the alignment system, when they finally change it to the way you wanted (0.0 space EVE-like system) you whine over you dont get an alignment reset.. i mean ffs.. Try and be gratefull just ONCE towards AV.. (Let the flame begin, about AV never delivers anything)
-Mana pray requirement has been lowered from 150 to 140
Thanks Tasos, we’re going to get back to listening to our alts scream from zap towers while we self siege.
It is good that you try to work on the Alignment issues, but, you do not seem to see the real problems with it.
The Lawless/Lawful territories only solves the Sea Tower clash problems, and mitigates the harshness of the system otherwise, but give nothing else to the system. It doesn’t solve the main problems, which was the problems with people taking 55 days of nothing else but regaining Alignment to revert to Blue staus, where one cannot even partake in invasions of cities as you need to Declare War to the entire Alliance of the Clan holding the city to be able to Siege, as all Clans are ARACs and the Allied do not go Rogue in their own cities. (Not to mention that this Lawless area status need to be debugged a bit, as people Recalling to NPC Racial Cities get Towerkilled.)
Also, the territories covered by Lawless areas is a bit much. Even having the Subcontinents covered can be considered a lot, even if it is acceptable as those are separate from the Main continent and may be considered outside of the Race Territory interests… but having the Center of Agon to be Lawless… it is enough for it to be “Red Territory”, where those who choose to live as Solo Permanent Reds converge in the middle, instead of making this a “Robbery place” where Blues can commit murder and get away with it, as this is the main lanes for travel on foot. (And non-teleport travel is bad enough as it is, without speed-bonuses for Roads or anything.)
Honestly The Chaos Church fix, with “Lawless/Lawful” territories, where you pray to Chaos in Lawless areas to gain Lawful status… is a horrible fix Lorewise, and do NOTHING to solve the real problems with the Alignment system that support ARACs instead of what it was supposed to support: that which what to be the main Content in this game: Race Wars.
What is needed is to fix the Alignment & War system properly, and add Race Wars Border Towers with War Camps on either side for Quest taking. That would make people split up in Racial Clans able to partake in Race War Content, and create it merely by the system changes itself, as well as having Border Towers/Fortresses and Shrines for Race War activities to support it will add SO much more content to the game, as well as make the Lore live again.
Why reset alignment? Has anyone here not played Ultmia Online? You kill ppl that are blue and go red- eventually it’ll catch up to you. The problem starts in the original way alignment was set, not the current. Ffs- get over crying about no alignment reset, I didni’t even see this much qq when OSI added stat loss to murderers in Ultima Online.
In all honesty- killing an opposing faction shouldn’t put to rest what has been done to non-opposing factions and in my eyes, this is what AV feels as well. Would love to see maybe a alignment +1 or whatever for everyone online hour that you don’t kill a blue player. Just another alternate way to wear off the kills/negative alignment
/rant off
interresting patch- looking forward to more.
Looks nice. Now we need an alignment reset to go with it.
Darkfall’s own 0.0 space. Very smart. Well done AV.
i don’t really understand how this helps the game much. i have hung around these areas a lot and i rarely see any one much less get attacked. Right now the game is in theta. after beta but still not complete, a complete revamp of the map, a complete revamp of the graphics, the addition of the game changing “armor” . it seems to be implied that there will be a huge addition of lore, which would really just a implementation of lore to the game, if you did not read the web site you would be hard press to know any thing about the different forces in the game and how they interact. I loved the lore and was sad when i realized while playing it was seen in the game.
The thing i am happiest about is that this game gave other developers the ability to see that players want this type of game. you can see the games in the works now that build on this system and plan to implement it better. i hope the best for av but i will not be playing darkfall till this magic patch. i suspect by then though games such as secret world, swtor, and guild war 2 will be out so maybe not.