Tag Archives: Development
October 14th Update

There has been a lot of work on the business side of things the past couple of months, having to do with Darkfall distribution, localization, partnership deals in Asia and Europe, investors, and other activities that are requiring a lot
September 30 Activity Report

Implementing the new siege system has been a very difficult task, but from the feedback we’re getting, it was well worth the effort. Player feedback has been very useful as far as us issuing quick fixes. Today’s patch hopefully addressed
Quick Update September 23
We spent this past week monitoring the servers for issues related to the new siege system added to the game and making sure everything was functioning as intended. Your feedback, as always, was very useful in identifying problems which we
Darkfall 2.0: A closer look
We've talked about Darkfall 2.0 and Darkfall 2.0 features on several occasions. We've explained that this is a new game created on top of the current game rather simply an expansion.
Darkfall’s new Siege System

The new siege system is now complete and is going through final testing. Today we'll present it to you in detail, leaving out only a few parts we're still testing/balancing. As we mentioned before, we rewrote the entire system to
Media Sneak Peek

Media Sneak Peek is a new blog entry that we will be starting today. The goal is to provide one media file, be it concept art, screenshot, render, video or picture, as often as possible. What we want to achieve
Activity Report July 1st

The sprint meeting took place yesterday and we presented our work and development progress to our peers. Before we go into the sprint meeting details, please allow me to address a few points of concern we've noticed within the community:
Patch Notes May 11th, 2011
Today's patch is mostly about the changes in the alignment system. You can see an map highlighting the changes. We're interested in your feedback on how it's working out since this is a major change in the gameplay and to
Activity Report 6th of May 2011

Today we had our sprint presentation meeting where most of our activities of the past weeks were presented and discussed. Here are some of the highlights:
Activity Report April 8th
This past week the main activity has been working on features for Darkfall’s relaunch. Some short-term milestones are also being worked on as well. We were happy to see that the patch was well received and we are looking into