Tag Archives: Meditation

Patch Update

We saw there was some confusion as to what goes into the upcoming patch so we'll post here the main features included in it:

Darkfall’s Chaos Chest #15

Darkfall’s Chaos Chest #15

We will recap on a regular basis to make sure you don't miss any important information. Additionally we will pick a few examples of the many interesting reads around the forums. (If you think a specific thread or event is worth

Activity Report March 11th

Activity Report March 11th

I would like to thank the Liaison team for collecting the information used in today's Activity Report: As you know, our design contest is in progress giving you an opportunity to get your own weapon design into Darkfall.

Activity Report Feb. 25

Activity Report Feb. 25

Today, after a couple of delays we finally had our sprint presentation. Several key people are still missing but it was concluded successfully by team members filling in for those that couldn't be there.

Activity Report February 18

Activity Report February 18

As if last week's flu epidemic wasn't enough, we've also had an outbreak of H1N1 swine flu at the office and several people are down for the count. There are a few more things about our upcoming patch we

Official Darkfall Facebook Contest – The results

Official Darkfall Facebook Contest – The results

The results of the first Official Darkfall Facebook Contest are in, and we were positively surprised of the turnout. Over 60 screenshots where shared on Darkfall’s official facebook page, that gathered more than 300 likes. Out of those pictures, 2

Official Darkfall Facebook Contest!

Official Darkfall Facebook Contest!

Do you feel like meditating and having some zen moments away from Darkfall’s intense PvP but you simply have no meditation points left? Do not fret! Join our exclusive Facebook contest and win free meditation points which will be added

Update January 14

Update January 14

We’re still working on our latest sprint wrapping things up. We’re back at full capacity after the holidays and we’re catching up with work that has piled up.

Meditation System 101

Meditation System 101

As you all know, today’s patch will add the already announced meditation system to the game. Here is some basic information about the system. In order to use the meditation system you need to purchase meditation points from your journal