Tag Archives: Open World
Happy Birthday Darkfall and a loot-full Ember-Fest to all!

Our second year closes behind us and we hope you will join us in celebrating many more to come! It has been a long and exciting year for us and only marks the beginning of a lot more excitement
Ragaizan, the Jungle Lord!

As you know Agon is due for some moving and shaking soon.. and we'd like to introduce you to one of the biggest movers and shakers around! This ancient behemoth from a long-forgotten time seems to have remained hidden
Darkfall Comic: Skill increases

Just some of the few skills you increase quite fast while playing Darkfall, presented, as always, by TinyTyke.
Darkfall’s Ships

When it comes to ships, or vehicles in general for that matter, Darkfall has opted for a design that one does not often come across in mmo's.
Darkfall Comic: Slot Machine

TinyTyke on her experience with Darkfall's Slot Machines.
Darkfall Comic: Raft!

Enjoy a new Episode of TinyTyke's Darkfall Comic. This time her take on Darkfall's Rafts!
On Building Worlds, MMOs, and Darkfall

Massively.com recently posted a new 'Anti-Aliased' article by Seraphina Brennan on building worlds. The focus of the article isn't so much about interaction with the world, but more about having the opportunity to experience your own story every
Darkfall Community Publishers: Entry Level Game Publishing

Ever dreamt of becoming a game publisher? The Darkfall Community Publishing Program is your way to get started! Imagine earning a publisher-size cut every time someone follows your link to buy Darkfall. That’s what the Program is all about.
Seamless, zoneless Darkfall

When it comes to creating game worlds, zoning and instancing seem to be the order of the day.With zoning and instancing there is no single game world but many fragments giving the illusion of one.
Best Darkfall tips for new players

Darkfall is arguably the best PvP MMORPG out there. Players that haven’t experienced it will be amazed by Darkfall’s real-time FPS combat style and possibilities offered by its sandbox MMO design, but might find the learning curve a bit steep.