Tag Archives: Siege
Quick Update September 23
We spent this past week monitoring the servers for issues related to the new siege system added to the game and making sure everything was functioning as intended. Your feedback, as always, was very useful in identifying problems which we
Siege system update /Media peek
This week in development we’re finishing up work on the new siege system and we’re continuing our work on Darkfall’s relaunch features. Our next scrum meeting will happen after the new system is in place, and this should yield more
Update, September 2
We noticed that there was some anticipation building up to the end of last month having to do with an ETA for Darkfall's relaunch.
Darkfall 2.0: A closer look
We've talked about Darkfall 2.0 and Darkfall 2.0 features on several occasions. We've explained that this is a new game created on top of the current game rather simply an expansion.
Darkfall’s new Siege System
The new siege system is now complete and is going through final testing. Today we'll present it to you in detail, leaving out only a few parts we're still testing/balancing. As we mentioned before, we rewrote the entire system to
Darkfall Siege Mechanics and Values Balancing Feedback
Today we’d like to involve you in some of our work with the new siege system. As we mentioned in the previous activity report, the new siege system is complete and in the testing and balancing phases. We’ve already mentioned
Activity Report Feb. 25
Today, after a couple of delays we finally had our sprint presentation. Several key people are still missing but it was concluded successfully by team members filling in for those that couldn't be there.
Darkfall’s Chaos Chest #10
We will recap on a regular basis to make sure you don't miss any important information. Additionally we will pick a few examples of the many interesting reads around the forums. (If you think a specific thread or event is worth