Update on February 4th

After last week’s sprint presentation, the teams had their meetings at the beginning of this week to plan out the next sprint which will last for two more weeks.
Next week there’s a patch we’re going to issue. In this patch we address several bugs including fixing the staff enchantment bug, bloodcraft and shadecraft effects stuck after dying, we address dungeon logging, we add an expiration to clan war declarations (1 week), clan bank policies and permissions for use, and a few more that aren’t verified yet so I shouldn’t list them here yet.
Following this patch we should have more that will include changes to the alignment system, something we’re working on right now.
The worldbuilders have moved on to new areas, Dwarven and Mahirim, the design and layout of these areas has been debated and optimized all week. Related workflow is being optimized since when one team finishes something another team takes over. It’s a work-flow cycle between designers, artists, worldbuilders, AI team, sound engineers and back. We’ve added two more people to help with the environmental music and the sounds, and we’ve also added a new artist to the team.
We’re refitting the armors to the updated character models which are being prepared for the upcoming expansion. The armor system we described in previous updates, where the armor you wear may determine the role you play best in battle, is in the forefront of design considerations and research at the moment. Currently it’s protections and balancing that are the focus. We’re also looking at changes to weapons, reevaluating how these work, how they’re crafted, and how they can better support the changes we’re pushing in armors. The context for all of this is PvP and the design team is currently working on these features to add more diversity and depth to it.
There’s also a lot of work being done on the point system of the competitive structures of Darkfall Arena. I understand this might not mean anything to you yet, but it’s what we’re working on at the moment and this part by design is dependent on player input.
More research on the way crafting works is underway, adding new materials to the crafting process, and the possibility of salvaging materials is being explored. We’re also looking at changes in enchantment, including possibly being able to mix different quality materials using gems.
Fishing boats will fish more than just fish and the things they pull out of the water may lead to new options.
The changes to the lighting system are looking very impressive and should make a tremendous visual difference to the game which should look great even at the lowest settings. Between the changes to the lighting system, the updated character models, new equipment, new and updated monsters, new animations, environmental sounds, the new terrain already in the game and the new GUI, and finally the streamlining and optimizations to the world, this will definitely look like a completely new game.
This weekend we have the event on the NA server, lots of devs participate and watch these events, so we hope to have a good turnout from the players.
Thank you for reading.
Will Crafting skill gains changes be in this patch or not? (as they were planned for last patch)
I’m very excited about this upcoming patch. Keep up the good work Aventurine! However, I’m assuming that prestige classes are no longer in at this point. Can you verify?
i search for a word about this too….
the new armor system replace prestige classes?
or is an additional way for charater diversity together with prestige classes
i fear it will replace prestige classes, as they are not talking about them anymore
Crafting skills gains? Yes or No for this next patch?
patch sounds good and the expansion sounds like the game saver.
Maybe i’ll be able to see 2feet in front of me at night time now
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Wow, lots of good stuff… Fishing Boats? Sweeeet!
I like that clan wars will expire after awhile, this prevents clans from being able to easily farm weaker clans in cities with no penalty (unless they wanna pay, which is a penalty).
and clan bank priveleges couldn’t have come at a better time!
Nothing about increased stat gain/new player viability…game will keep losing players until this is addressed…
that was 2 weeks ago, we have double speed ass we speak, you should play the game sometimes instead of crying on the forums/blog/whatever all day
what about stats on meditation? and crafting skills faster you promised them both for next patch!!
Word. Hope you implement race changes after the new character models. Honestly I am tired of the scarf around my humans’ neck.
By new lightning system, does these include pre-calculated lightmaps for those who like to turn shadows off?
That would be very neat since such a move would promote using better graphics settings, contra using low settings for your advantage.
Using dynamic shadows should allow you to spot character shadows, and more detailed shadows.
Whereas turning them off would instead show an area shaded black, that the player upon entering would turn darker within, approximating ambient light accordingly.
Are there any available details to be shared on how the new lightning system will work?, Other then that dynamic light sources will be supported, something that will make magic etc much more pretty to watch. The only change we see now is a post process effect on our screen shading it white every now and then
How about HDRL?
When moving more and more towards a DX10 – 11 approach, adding high dynamic range lightning is a perfect step.
What about increased _STAT_ gains?
Woohoo to the war decs being on a timer. That fucks a particular clan over
Arena : -1. That’s my player feedback about arenas. None are needed nor desired as far as I’m concerned.
Woot for all the rest.
I hope the new GUI is a priority.
GPS are going to be happy. haha
Has anyone ever thought about correcting the walls on player cities so you cannot simply “walk” up a wall? using magic is one thing.. but what if the world builders were able to add a small height boost.. then maybe some how implment a craftable siege ladder? would add a another dynamic to attacking cities?
Cool news!
Imo you should remove the “news” and ‘spotlight” forums since you prefer the blog.
At least the “spotlight” forum can be keep for players feedback and others…
i just want the annoying screams off my char to stop
Any chance you’ll be adding multi-core support in Darkfall Arena?, whilst taking load of the single cpu core df uses and giving it to the gpu will help improve performance supporting multiple cpu core’s to go with it would make the game up to date with modern pc’s.
Hopefully coupled with said changes and hopefully new better gui df will finally run smooth even in larger event’s.
On that note any word on future native 64 bit client support?
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