Where can I find out more
about the Darkfall team?
More information about the Darkfall
Team will be available on this website very soon.
Do the Developers even
listen to us?
Darkfall’s main principle and
design philosophy is that the players shape the world.
The developers are open to any good suggestions. Your
feedback and commentary is valuable to us.
What forms of offering
feedback are there?
You can use the developer interaction
message board on the official site and you can speak with
the developers live during our upcoming developer chats.
We will run polls regularly on the official Site. There
will be even more methods to provide feedback in the future.
When are you going to have
a Developer chat?
We will start having House of Commons
style developer chats very soon and on a regular basis.
How often can we expect
announcements and updates to the site?
We will have regular news updates,
screenshots, announcements, FAQ updates, downloads, and
progress reports on the official Darkfall site.
Which engine are you using?
We’re using our own SF3D engine
What are the minimum requirements
to be able to play the game?
We will announce these at a later