
Do I need to spend half my life playing this game to be any good?

Playing a lot will help you develop a stronger character, it will help you to improve your character handling skills, and it will familiarize you better with the world and the way it works. However, this game is not all about individual skill, and there will be a skill cap so characters can develop up to a point. There are many elements that come into play in Darkfall, and a casual player can have as much fun playing the game, and possibly be more successful than a hard core gamer, in some fields.

Do I need to be a twitchy gamer to be good?

Skill does come into play in combat, but so does intelligence, strategy, group tactics, preparation, equipment, conditions etc. There are many elements that will affect the outcome of a confrontation.

What camera view is used in Darkfall?

The first person camera view is used. This was probably the most debated issue within our team with strong points both for and against. We decided on the first-person view because we believe this view makes for the most immersed gaming experience, the most nerve wracking combat situations, and offers the best view of our landscape and dungeons.

Can I play all races on the same server?

No you may not. This is something we have discussed at length, and we believe that it would allow for easy spying, taking away from the gaming experience. If you play an Alfar, for example, you may log on your Elf scout just to check if the Elven town of Charybdis is well defended at the moment or not. If you want to play a different race, you may do so on a different server / game world.

How do I tell my NPC hirelings what to do?

You can either give an NPC hireling a direct one-time order, such as "heal me", or you can set up a more permanent chain of orders, through an advanced NPC hireling interface in Darkfall. This advanced interface can tell the NPC hireling to heal you every time your health goes below say 10% of your max health. Obviously the NPC hireling must have the matching skills and spells to perform these actions.

NPC hirelings have skills and spells like players do. The more skills and/or spells an NPC hireling has, and the better skill and/or spell levels he has, the more gold he will require for his services.