Hello exalted planfile-readers!
Chief Executive Officer Clavus instructed me to spill my guts into a
planfile, so here goes nothing.
My name is Eigil Jarl Halse (By net known as kloom) and I'm a recent
addition to the darkfall-team. I am 22 years old, born and raised in a small
coastal-town in norway. I've previously worked freelance doing assorted
logo-animations and visualizations. Most recently I worked at Innerloop as a
freelance animator on IGI-2 as their deadline was drawing dangerously close.
I must admit I had second thoughts about joining the darkfall-team, cause
the game seemed to be turning out so brilliant I would rather play it than
develop it. So I hope you understand the sacrifice I made for you
darkfall-fans! :) Right now I'm finishing up the alfar model and trying to
figure out some kind of stone golem. After that I guess I'll go on through
the races, maybe some nude models soon so the famous
"barbie-dressing-sim-dating-system" can get up and running. Really looking
forward to that one, just crunching out loads of armours and gauntlets and
boots and belts and helmets and spiked gloves and whatever a badass fantasy
character would consider wearing, and then make him wear it. :D
Well that's all the guts I'll spill for now. |