This patch contains some duelist rebalancing and various other changes
Duelist changes:
- Lacerate bleed portion of damage reduced by 30%
- Lacerate/Pummel range reduced by 12.5%
- Lunge range reduced by 10%
- Uncanny focus reset cooldown (for other schools) increased to 50% (up from 20%)
- Uncanny focus cooldown increased by 19%
These are not the only changes planned for combat balance, however we will be keeping an eye for how these particular ones play out
General changes:
- You can now place waypoints inside dungeons
- When adding a feat to watch on the feat tray it will now take priority over any starting feat that is not being tracked
- Improved randomization of weather effects
Chat changes:
- Fixed whispering system to be more user friendly
- Emote messages are now being sent to their own channel under System\Character\
- You can now clone a chat tab by pressing Ctrl while dragging it
- You can now link skills and items in the chat
General Fixes
- Fixed a bug where when moving a chat tab it would not get all of its settings correctly
- Fixed a bug where timestamps would not save the actual message time
- Fixed /party_invite command that was not working
- Fixed sizes for modifiers and member role icons
- There is now a small delay between emotes
- Fixed an issue with death/revive/gank sounds being heard globally for clan/party members (regardless of distance from the source)
- Fixed an issue with combat-log notifications and sounds occasionally being repeated numerous times
- Changed party icons for different roles.
World Changes
General Prop and Terrain Fixes in:
- Xirdak
- Serpenton
- Obad
- Loriedain