Does Darkfall have universal banks?
Yes there are universal banks in Darkfall, and the purpose is to
facilitate gameplay vs. realism.
does trading work?
Players can interact through racial chat, alliance chat and in-game trade
players create magical items?
Darkfall features a sophisticated item creator, which enables players to
create powerful items, like weapons, jewelry, armor, wands, potions, food and
more. We have invested a lot of time and design resources into creating a true
player based economy. Players who enjoy trading and crafting will enjoy
harnessing the capabilities of Darkfalls item creator system.
items decay with use?
Yes they do.
it possible to repair items?
You can repair damaged clan houses, ships and warhulks. However you can not
repair damaged equipment such as armor, clothes or weapons.
types of items can I make?
You are able to make almost every item found in the world like weapons, tools,
armor, clothing, food, containers, furniture, jewelry etc.
do I get the resources I need to make items?
You can gather the resources you need from hunting, or from mining the specific
resource. You could also buy them from a vendor or another player.
different crafting buildings are there?
There's a smithy, a workshop, a laboratory, a bakery, a smelter and an
enchantment workstation.