Clan Interface
To access the Clan interface click on the “Clans” button on the right side of your screen while in GUI mode.
Through this interface you can browse clans and apply for membership as well as create and manage a clan of your own.
If you are a clan member you will be offered different clan management options depending on your permissions.
Looking for a Clan
The first time you open the Clan management window and provided you are not already a member of a clan, you will be taken to the Clan Browser. Here you can browse all clans that exist on the server you are playing on.
To accomplish this you can either scroll through the list or use the search function located at the very bottom of the window.
The filters will help you find a clan depending on it’s play style.
Clicking on a clan’s name will reveal an information button that will provide more details about the clan such as the dominion points it has accumulated, it’s leader and founder, and the accepted races.
At the very bottom of this window you can click the “Apply to join” button to send in an application.
Make sure the clan is accepting new members beforehand.
Creating a Clan
If you are not a member of a clan, at the very top of the clan interface you will see the “Create a clan” button.
Create Clan Button
Clicking on this will present you with a window that requires various information about the clan you want to create. These options include the clan’s name, motto and charter, race restrictions, membership application status and the tags you want to associate with it.
Once all this information has been entered you can click the “Create Clan” button at the bottom of the window to create your clan.
Make sure you have the required 2000 gold in your backpack before clicking the button.
Gold to Create a Clan
Managing your clan
If you are already a member of a clan, opening the clan interface will take you to the Clan Overview window. Information about your clan like Dominion points, Leader and Founder names, number of members, number of members per clan and tags are available here.
Clan Overview Button
The “My clan member overview” button will take you to a window where you can review your place in the clan.
Clan Member Overview Button
Prowess, Dominion and kills performed in sieges along with your PvP rank are displayed here.
More importantly, here you can view your permissions within the clan. These affect what you can and can’t do as a clan member and are assigned by the clan leaders.
At the bottom of the window you can also find the “Leave Clan” Button. You will be removed from the clan 45 minutes after clicking the button.
Clan Configuration Button
The Clan Configuration button will provide the means to alter all of the Clan details that was entered in clan creation with the exception of the name. Additionally you can change the clan leader. Depending on your permissions some or all of these options may not be editable by you. Any changes made need to be confirmed by clicking the “Update Clan” at the bottom of the page.
The Clan Member Roster window offers an overview of all the clan members, their siege kills, PvP rank and Dominion offered to the clan.
The information button next to each members name offers details about the members prowess, dominion offered to the clan, siege kills, pvp rank and permissions assigned. Depending on your permissions you may be able to alter some or all of these options. To commit any changes click the Save Changes button at the bottom of the window.
Clan members will display a tab marked C above their heads
The Clan to player politics window allows clan members with sufficient permissions to set special rules that define the relationship between the clan and any player.
The available options are adding the player to the Kill on Sight list, banning the player from the clan and allowing the player to bind to any holdings the clan owns.
Keep in mind that clan to player politics supersede clan relations. For example a member of an enemy clan that is added to the allow to bind list will not show up as an enemy and will still be allowed to bind at your clans holding bindstone.