The Vale of the Custodian
Tutorial Area
Before you take your first tentative steps into the bloodthirsty and bloodsoaked lands of Agon, the Custodian will gently lead you through his vale and make sure you understand the basic concepts of Darkfall.
As a mewling babe first entering the world, you will learn how to walk, and then how to run, and the how to swing a sword without severing any of your own limbs off.
This tutorial chapter of the game should take no more than 20 minutes but will leave you confident to begin carving your legend through the swathes of enemies you will encounter in the world beyond.
The Vale of the Custodian is a designated sanctuary and safe place within the world. You and your fellow players will be magically warded and unable to harm each other.
Hopefully no enemies from beyond the Vale itself can enter and threaten your humble beginnings...hopefully.